The story revolves around three main characters: Lee SooRin (played by Kang MinAh), Luice (played by SF9’s Chani) and Min SiWoo (played by SF9’s HwiYoung). Whilst SiWoo and SooRin are old friends, SooRin meets Luice for the first time at an airport. When the two accidentally bump into each other, SooRin is unable to recognize the worldwide pop star under the disguise. But little do they know what fate has in store for them.SF9’s HwiYoung steals the hearts of his fans as Min SiWoo. Despite being the crush of many in his high school, SiWoo has a crush on his childhood friend SooRin. He fully supports her and protects her at all costs. Here are reasons to prove that SiWoo is the cutest lover boy in the K-Drama world.The article contains spoilers. 

1. SiWoo Helps SooRin Skip School To Meet Her Favorite Idol

We are introduced to SooRin as a die-hard fan of Luice, a rising K-Pop idol. Unlike SooRin, Min SiWoo is not a fan of Luice, yet he still would do anything to help her. He even helped her run from school to meet Luice. Luice was supposed to reach Korea that day and many fans were lined up at the airport to see him.SooRin, SiWoo and YeSung (Oh SoHyun) plan an escape route for her. By faking an injury, SooRin would be able to skip the PE class. Whilst playing dodge the ball, SooRin urges SiWoo to hit her with the ball. But the poor boy couldn’t bring himself to hurt her, so YeSung took it upon herself and threw the ball towards her.Min SiWoo rushed to SooRin, who pretended to faint and opted to be the one to take her to the nurse. However, instead he took her outside so she could finally go to the airport. Even when they were caught, SiWoo bore the punishment for her. 

2. SiWoo Decides To Become An Idol Just To Impress His Crush

Min SiWoo gets the offer on the street, whilst hanging out with the other two. Though in the group it was SooRin who aspired to be an idol, she expresses how he should give it a go. In that way, they could be together.SiWoo had never considered being an idol, but after hearing her wish and seeing how she was in love with Luice. He really gives it a go. At night, he tries to learn moves from watching Luice’s videos.Soon, it becomes more than something to impress her, when SooRin gets into an accident. Min SiWoo takes it upon herself to fulfill her dream. He began to take classes and improve his skills so he could become an idol. He debuts with a group called ‘N and S’ which immediately hits success with its debut. 

3. He Gets Jealous Of His Crush’s Old Bias

After SiWoo becomes a rising star, the CEO of COA Entertainment tells him that he will be collaborating with Luice. Even so, five years had passed and SooRin was supposedly over him. That doesn’t make SiWoo put his guard down before Luice. Exactly from their first meeting, the two are head to head against each other, SiWoo appears intimidating and points out how he had food all over his teeth.In episode 3, SooRin and Luice meet again. Luice picks up her Employee ID from the floor and extends it to her, pretending to not have recognized her. SooRin on the other hand is too shocked to respond. SiWoo stepped in and took the card, even put it over SooRin’s neck.Later in the drama, SooRin was appointed as Luice’s temporary manager. After his tax evading scandal, he began to live with her. In episode 7, SiWoo finds out about it and he can’t help but be annoyed and even jealous about the situation.SF9’s HwiYoung as “Miracle”’s SiWoo is giving us a major second lead syndrome. He is adorable, devoted and has loved SooRin for the longest time. Are you watching the drama? If so tell us your favorite SiWoo moment?  5 Reasons Why We Are Excited For “Miracle”, Starring SF9’s Chani And HwiYoung KDRAMA STORIES|May 17, 2022 3 Main Reasons Why  Miracle  s Min SiWoo  SF9 s HwiYoung  Is The Cutest Lover Boy Of K Drama Land  - 723 Main Reasons Why  Miracle  s Min SiWoo  SF9 s HwiYoung  Is The Cutest Lover Boy Of K Drama Land  - 773 Main Reasons Why  Miracle  s Min SiWoo  SF9 s HwiYoung  Is The Cutest Lover Boy Of K Drama Land  - 103 Main Reasons Why  Miracle  s Min SiWoo  SF9 s HwiYoung  Is The Cutest Lover Boy Of K Drama Land  - 153 Main Reasons Why  Miracle  s Min SiWoo  SF9 s HwiYoung  Is The Cutest Lover Boy Of K Drama Land  - 783 Main Reasons Why  Miracle  s Min SiWoo  SF9 s HwiYoung  Is The Cutest Lover Boy Of K Drama Land  - 20