“The Golden Spoon” follows a student born into a poor, low-income family who receives the chance to change his life completely. By using a magical golden spoon he is able to switch lives with his wealthy best friend. The drama holds a bit of mystery, magical elements, and romance that will provide all the butterflies — basically everything a K-Drama fan would love and it’s only the beginning.There’s actually a million reasons why you should pick up MBC’s newest drama, but we’ve settled on just four. So here are the reasons why you should start watching this magical K-Drama, “The Golden Spoon”. 

1. BTOB’s SungJae’s Comeback

“The Golden Spoon” marks SungJae’s long-awaited comeback to the small screen since his military discharge. Although it has almost been a year since his discharge date, SungJae focused on his music activities with BTOB. His return to acting has many fans excited and just by teasers alone, their expectations have raised significantly. Through “The Golden Spoon”, you can expect to see an upgraded and more mature version of the idol actor. 

2. Idol-filled Casting

Yook SungJae is not the only actor in the cast with idol roots. He is joined by Jung ChaeYeon, YeonWoo, and Lee JongWon. Just like SungJae, the former two started their careers in music and has since garnered praise for their acting skills. Lee JongWon is the only one of the main leads that does not have an idol background, but his handsome good looks could make you think otherwise. This idol-filled casting could be the reason you start watching “The Golden Spoon”, but the main leads’ captivating acting and chemistry will make you stay until the very last episode. 

3. Rags To Riches Story

There’s nothing better than an underdog story and witnessing the main character succeed. You feel a certain comradery with Lee SeungCheon (Yook SungJae) as he struggles to escape his ‘dirt spoon’ status and join the ranks of the wealthy. Even after changing lives, SeungCheon continues to feel like the underdog and puts in the hard work needed to stay on top. You can’t help but cheer for him as he continues on this wild adventure. 

4. Tackling Hard Topics

Although it does have its fair share of lightheartedness and fluffy romance, “The Golden Spoon” tackles hard-hitting topics, too. One of these is the inequality between the rich and poor, showing how some people are just born into wealth. This drama also highlights how this could be a driving force for someone to succeed, as well as the unbelievable pressure that same success brings. Despite this harsh reality, there is also the hope that we will one day be rewarded for our hard work, and just like Lee SeungCheon, we will be given the chance to change our lives completely.Have you started “The Golden Spoon”? What do you like about the drama so far? Let us know in the comments!  Top 3 K-Dramas Airing In September That Fans Are Looking Forward To The Most According To Kpopmap Readers KDRAMA STORIES|Sep 2, 2022 5 Facts You Need To Know About BTOB Yook SungJae’s Character In Upcoming K-Drama “The Golden Spoon” KDRAMA STORIES|Aug 31, 2022 4 Reasons To Watch Fantasy K Drama  The Golden Spoon   - 664 Reasons To Watch Fantasy K Drama  The Golden Spoon   - 334 Reasons To Watch Fantasy K Drama  The Golden Spoon   - 504 Reasons To Watch Fantasy K Drama  The Golden Spoon   - 8