“If You Wish Upon Me” is set in the backdrop of a hospice, following the lives of its volunteers and patients. The drama faces the concept of death head on, while highlighting the beauty and intricacies of life. Within the first episode, the characters and storyline tug on its viewers heartstrings, showing promise of a great, uplifting drama.The series premiered on August 10th, which means there’s still many episodes yet to come and a chance for viewers to catch up. But if you’re still wondering if you should add “If You Wish Upon Me” onto your watchlist, here’s a few reasons why you should start this touching K-Drama. 

1. Ji ChangWook and Choi SooYoung Chemistry

Individually, Ji ChangWook and Choi SooYoung are well established names and have been praised for their acting skills. Right off the bat, the two show a Tom and Jerry dynamic in their portrayal of Yoo GyeoRee (Ji ChangWook) and Seo YeonJoo (SooYoung). On one hand, they have many moments where they are at odds with each other. But this is contrasted throughout the drama as they keep working together and become a form of support for one another. The evolution of their relationship will be one to watch as the series continues moving forward. 

2. A Man And His Dog

Relationships between leads and supporting characters are always interesting to keep track of. Although not fully in the spotlight, supporting characters add depth to the plot and help the leads grow. This is the case for GyeoRee and his dog, Sonny, as they reunite after spending some time apart. Starting from the first episode, viewers already get the sense that Sonny will be a pivotal part in GyeoRee’s development. From just his gaze alone, you can tell how much love he has for his dog. If Sonny can break GyeoRee’s rough outer shell, he can surely break into the hearts of fans of the show across the globe. 

3. Team Genie

“If You Wish Upon Me” is based on the Ambulance Wish Foundation, founded in 2007, which grants the wishes of terminally ill patients. The drama portrays this through the caring and reliable Team Genie, made up of a group of volunteers. Team Genie puts their all into fulfilling the wishes of their patients. They do everything from making it snow in the summer to driving patients back to their hometown one last time. Seeing how they go above and beyond to make the best of someone’s final days is awe-inspiring and provides an undeniable warmth. Their actions, demeanor, and mission is sure to instill a fountain of hope into our hearts. 

4. Duality of Ji ChangWook

Through “If You Wish Upon Me”, Ji ChangWook continues to show his excellent acting skills, once again proving why he’s a top Hallyu star. He does a terrific job in portraying the many characteristics of Yoo GyeoRee, a man hardened by the misfortunes of life. Despite his rough exterior, viewers see glimpses of GyeoRee’s tenderness and vulnerability. This wouldn’t be possible without the combination of great writing and Ji ChangWook’s flexibility as an actor.Have you started watching “If You Wish Upon Me”? What do you think of the drama so far? Let us know in the comments!  10 Most Talked About Actors & Dramas On September 2022 KDRAMA STORIES|Oct 6, 2022 Top 5 K-Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist This August 2022 KDRAMA STORIES|Aug 1, 2022 4 Reasons To Watch Heartwarming K Drama  If You Wish Upon Me   - 654 Reasons To Watch Heartwarming K Drama  If You Wish Upon Me   - 95