The drama follows the story of Lee YeoReum (played by SeolHyun) who goes through a flurry of unfortunate events. After some thinking, she decides to quit her job and leave Seoul with only one backpack worth of possessions. YeoReum ends up settling down in Angok, a small seaside village. There, she meets Ahn DaeBeom (played by Yim SiWan), an extremely introverted, yet sincere librarian. Together, they tackle various obstacles and overcome personal struggles.“Summer Strike” is the perfect pick me up, providing solace and comfort to all its viewers. This touching K-Drama is truly a gem and we just cannot get enough of it! Here are a few ways it will provide you with warmth this winter season.This article might contain spoilers. 

1. Chemistry Between Leads

Individually, SiWan and SeolHyun have received much praise for their notable talent in their previous roles. Not only are they a visual duo, but their chemistry leaves a lasting impression. They are able to perfectly portray the earnest, yet awkward nature of their characters, DaeBeom and YeoReum.Despite both being introverts, there’s an indescribable warmth that enters your body the moment these two appear on screen. Their clumsiness and sincerity makes you invested in their relationship, causing you to hope for their happy ending. 

2. Quaint Countryside Setting

A fast-paced lifestyle can be enticing but sometimes, there’s a need to step away from the bustling streets of the city. If dramas like “Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha” and “Our Blues” have shown us anything, it’s that there’s a certain allure to the calm, cozy vibe of the countryside.“Summer Strike” captures this sentiment exactly, having the main story take place in the quaint village of Angok. The cinematography enhances this experience and leaves you in awe with various shots of the beautiful landscape. Just one scene alone can put you at peace for the entire day. 

3. Heartwarming Character Interactions

Initially, when YeoReum decides to settle down in Angok, a few villagers openly express their dislike towards her. They try their best to make her feel isolated and disheartened, in hopes that she will move out of the billiard hall where she currently resides.However, YeoReum continues to remain in good spirits and in due time, her genuine heart reaches these villagers. Their interactions with YeoReum become sweet and filled with affection. These wholesome moments adds more to the already warm and fulfilling nature of this touching K-Drama. 

4. Consistent Self-Growth

There’s nothing more heartwarming than seeing characters overcome their struggles and become better people. Despite their unfortunate pasts, YeoReum and DaeBeom continue to move forward to create the best version of themselves. They become more honest with their own hopes and dreams, while making sure to provide help and assistance to those around them.Their spirit is infectious as many villagers follow their lead and begin to have a change of heart. The resilience of its characters and their growth make “Summer Strike” a true gem among K-Dramas.Have you started watching “Summer Strike”? What do you think of the heartwarming series so far? Let us know in the comments!  29 Dramas Of 2022 Based On Webtoon KDRAMA STORIES|Dec 9, 2022 7 Best K-Dramas To Give You A Peek Into The Korean Country Life KDRAMA STORIES|Oct 20, 2021 4 Ways Healing Romance K Drama  Summer Strike  Will Provide You With Warmth This Winter  - 284 Ways Healing Romance K Drama  Summer Strike  Will Provide You With Warmth This Winter  - 5