The fantasy drama is based on a webtoon of the same name. The story revolves around Choi JunWoong (SF9’s RoWoon), who gets involved in an accident. Now half-soul and half-human, he is introduced to the underworld system and even offered to work for the Special Crisis Management Team of the underworld.MBC stated, “It will be a drama which conveys warmth, sympathy and comfort to those who are living in a difficult reality.“The Special Crisis Management Team’s job is to save people who are on the verge of ending their lives. The lead character, Choi JunWoong, is a light-warm hearted character, who is like an embrace of comfort to the viewers.He is a simple young man, who is rather impulsive and emotional, as he acts purely out of emotion rather than being calculative. It is fair to say that RoWoon brought smiles to the viewer’s faces with his character.Here is why we wish to have someone like Choi JunWoong in our lives.The article contains spoilers.  

1. JunWoong Will Cheer You Up When You Feel Down

Throughout the drama, we see a new case or a new story every episode. Each new person faces different sorts of hardships that push them towards the idea of ending themselves. GuRyun (Kim HeeSeon) has a colder outlook, she tends to show these people the reality, being a bit harsh at times. Yet Choi JunWoong has an entirely opposite approach. He tends to help them cheer up in any way possible.In episodes 1 and 2, JunWoong is sent along with the Risk Management Team for their latest case, though he was not an official member yet.The first case introduced is EunBi (played by Jo In), a TV writer, who was a victim of bullying in her high school days. Though the team saved her, she still shows high negative energy. It is till JunWoong pulled Jung JunHa, whom EunBi was a fan of, before her. Upon meeting her favorite, she cheers up a little, but still crying, JunWoong hugs her and tells her that she should laugh like she used to. It becomes even more sweeter (and hilarious) to know how JunWoong convinced Jung JunHa (threatening with toilet paper) to cheer EunBi up.Similarly, in episodes 3 and 4, the team has to save JunWoong’s childhood friend, JaeSoo (played by Ryu SungRok). He yet again failed his police exam. With no family and even his best friend in a coma, JaeSoo fails to find any motivation to live on.In order to cheer him up, Choi JunWoong travels back in time with GuRyun to get the chicken JaeSoo had with his father as a child. In fact, he made it for him (though it did not turn out well but the effort is what counts, right?) because he knew that the chicken would be able to cheer him up. 

2. He Will Protect You From Being Hurt. Even If It Means To Get Hurt Himself

In episode 6, the team is given a new case. The subject is a 91 year old veteran soldier, Lee YoungChun (played by Jeon MuSong), who fought in the Korean War. The male had one day to live till his destined time period would come to an end. But the male showed a high chance of ending his life before that.JunWoong meets Lee YoungChun whilst running some errand with him. He sees Lee YoungChun pulling a cart all by himself. Without any hesitation, he offers to pull the cart instead. Even though he was complaining moments ago about how hard it was to climb up to the location.Whilst on their way, the two meet a group of gangsters who berate the old man. Though Lee YoungChun tried to stop him, JunWoong refused to just stand there. Instead, he approaches the head of the group and strikes a blow at his face. Though we do not get to see the fight, upon returning to the other two Reapers, the poor boy is badly beaten up. He even admits that he lost since there were too many. He knew that the gangsters were more in number than him and probably even stronger, he still jumped in to protect YoungChun from being harassed by them.Similarly, in high school when JaeSoo was fighting the bullies for his shoes, he jumped in and fought for him. Even though they were not friends at that time. 

3. He Will Make Your Birthday Special

As we talked before, in episode 3, JunWoong travels back in time, in order to find the chicken JaeSoo had with his father on his birthday. He finds out more about his childhood and the tough time the young child had to endure. JaeSoo’s mother was ill and his father was struggling financially.Though they manage to get the chicken, JunWoong refuses to go away just like that. He dresses up in a yellow chicken onesie, forcing GuRyun to also get in a black one. The pair show up to the hospital room and sing young JaeSoo (played by Kim JiHoon) a happy birthday song. The child is in pure delight at the sight! His birthday, which was supposed to have a tragic end, was made special by JunWoong. 

4. He Will Appreciate Your Efforts

In Episode 6, when Lee YoungChun is pulling the cart, he crosses paths with a mother and her son. The son asked as to why the old man was carrying trash, to which the mother rather harshly replied that it must be because the old man did not study well. Unknown to her, the man was in fact a veteran soldier.Despite his tremendous sacrifice to the country, that conversation gave a glimpse of how the man was treated throughout his life. To the point, he believed that he had achieved nothing and even began to regret his decision.JunWoong, though, showed his respect for him. He even took him to a photo studio and proudly told the photographer who he was. He and the photographer then gave the old man a salute.JunWoong even saluted and hugged YoungChun, when his soul was about to be escorted by the many grim reapers. 

5. Choi JunWoong Being Every One’s Happy Pill

All in all, Choi JunWoong is a bubble of joy. SF9’s RoWoon did justice to the character.Despite having struggles of his own, like losing his own father at a young age or struggling to get a job. He also felt as if he was left behind, whilst everyone else around his age were achieving their goals.Yet JunWoong does not let that affect his aura. He is the purest being to exist and one cannot help but coo at him. Even though he is clumsy, his contagious smile successfully cheers others up. Fans absolutely adore seeing RoWoon as Choi JunWoong, and the character continues to warm our hearts. What is your favorite JunWoong moment in “Tomorrow”?  5 Differences Between The “Tomorrow” K-Drama And Webtoon KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 20, 2022 Underrated Scene Of The Week: Yoon JiOn Clocks Out On Time Even If The World Is Ending In “Tomorrow” KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 7, 2022 5 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 975 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 665 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 985 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 925 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 475 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 705 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 845 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 625 Reasons Why We All Need  Tomorrow  s Choi JunWoong  SF9 s RoWoon  In Our Lives  - 20