The drama follows the story of Park TaeYang (Park JuHyun) and Park TaeJoon (Chae JongHyeop). Park TaeYang is an aspiring badminton player who had to leave after being winded up in a bribing scandal. Though she returns after three years. Whilst Park TaeJoon views badminton as nothing more than a way to make a living, his view begins to change after meeting TaeYang.The fans are in love with the lead couple but most of us have begun to wish that we had a boyfriend like TaeJoon. Wonder why? Below are all the reasons!The article contains spoilers. 

1. He Will Always Root For You

The most memorable moment of the two is their first meeting in the show. In episode 1, TaeYang makes her return to the field of badminton, but her scandal still follows her. The members of her new company, Yunis, have a hard time accepting her and even corner her for an explanation. Park TaeJoon, looking from another table, soon comes to the rescue. By claiming that he will take the bill for them too, he changes the subject and atmosphere of the table to put TaeYang at ease.It is soon that TaeYang leaves the place for awhile. TaeJoon follows her and introduces himself, though he is surprised that she does not remember him. Yet he remembers her and has been rooting for her since they were 12, which is when they first met. TaeJoon had caught TaeYang trying to steal his bicycle. The two play badminton for awhile till the elders come in and TaeYang tries to runaway. But TaeJoon stops her and announces that she is gifted. It is because of him that TaeYang is introduced to a badminton coach, who later took her in.TaeJoon roots for TaeYang both in and out of court by encouraging her to continue his passion for badminton. 

2. Park TaeJoon Will Give His All For TaeYang

No matter what happens, TaeJoon is always their way to protect Park TaeYang. In episode 4, when TaeYang injures her ankle, having her muscles overworked, she is asked to forfeit. But she denies and assures that she is fine. TaeJoon is concerned about her but respects her decision and wishes to still play and win the match. It is then TaeJoon gives all of his blocks an attack towards her, playing all by himself. Though they do not win, Park TaeJoon for best partner that episode. 

3. TaeJoon Is The Type Of Boyfriend Who Would Stretch Out Your Shoes For You

In episode 4, the night before their match, Park TaeJoon walks Park TaeYang to her room. It was then that he noticed her being uncomfortable whilst walking. He did not hesitate but voiced out his concern, asking if her foot was okay. She then replied that the shoes were new so it would take time for her to get used to them. TaeJoon himself took off her shoes (being the dreamy boyfriend material he is) and gave her his own shoes for her to wear. While he wears hers, so he can stretch them out for her. 

4. Park TaeJoon The Cutest Boyfriend To Exist

Not only has Park TaeJoon been Park TaeYang’s biggest fan since he was 12, he is the cutest and most obedient boyfriend, just like a puppy.In episode 6, when the two begin to date, the Park couple goes house shopping for TaeJoon. But TaeJoon is mostly attracted to buying spoons for TaeYang. He even gets two green colored mugs as their ‘couple mug’, saying that the green color would represent green light for their relationshipTaeJoon comes running to her whenever she calls him and has the widest smile on his face whenever he is near Park TaeYang. Yet, as if he was not cute enough, he continued to work out so to impress her even though he was exhausted! He is also the type who would send you hearts in the middle of practicing. Even if the dating part is a secret.It is safe to say that Park TaeJoon is a walking green flag and the ideal boyfriend one could ever wish for. Are you watching the drama? If so, comment on your favorite TaeJoon moment!  4 Reasons Why Rising Actor Chae JongHyeop Is The Ultimate Man Crush KDRAMA STORIES|May 16, 2022 5 Reasons Why We Need A Boyfriend Like  Love All Play  s Park TaeJoon  Chae JongHyeop  In Our Lives  - 395 Reasons Why We Need A Boyfriend Like  Love All Play  s Park TaeJoon  Chae JongHyeop  In Our Lives  - 925 Reasons Why We Need A Boyfriend Like  Love All Play  s Park TaeJoon  Chae JongHyeop  In Our Lives  - 455 Reasons Why We Need A Boyfriend Like  Love All Play  s Park TaeJoon  Chae JongHyeop  In Our Lives  - 225 Reasons Why We Need A Boyfriend Like  Love All Play  s Park TaeJoon  Chae JongHyeop  In Our Lives  - 41