The most common ways biases allure us are their vocals, dancing skills, and visuals, which also could be described as the primary qualities of an idol. In our Fan Interview series fans shared many more reasons for which they fell for their bias - here are 7 frequently mentioned aspects: 

1. Versatility

Versatility is one of the most beloved characteristics of Korean artists. The interviewed Kpopmap readers shared that they chose their biases because of their ability to successfully pull off various concepts and music genres. Fans truly appreciate artists who do not fear to undertake projects new to them and show multiple faces of K-Pop. 

2. Growth

Many fans have stated that after getting to know a group very well, they were struck by the self-development of a specific member. It’s so satisfying and precious to see your bias’ improvement knowing how much effort they put in. It also encourages us to strive to do our best and comforts us when we feel stagnated. 

3. Engagement

There are many channels through which K-Pop idols connect these days with their fans. Their engagement in interactions with them is very essential to building a strong community and making the group’s lovers feel appreciated. Many interviewed readers of Kpopmap admitted that they particularly chose their bias because of their frequent communication with followers and authenticity when it comes to conversations. 

4. Leadership

Each group needs a leader that overlooks its development and boldly represents it. That’s why K-Pop fans select biases who demonstrate strong leadership skills. Kpopmap readers worship members, who display their strong spirit and charisma by taking the responsibility for the group and becoming its spokesperson. 

5. Lyrical skills

The reason, that was often pointed out in our interviews, was lyrical skills. Songwriting requires from the artists a lot of practice and creativity. Moreover, it’s a complex composition process of linking an honest and absorbable text with the right melody that speaks to the hearts of listeners. This all requires a true mastermind and undoubtedly K-Pop unveiled many artists to have it. 

6. Responsibility

No matter what age we are, we all make mistakes that need to be pointed out. K-Pop fans sincerely value idols who are not afraid to speak up their mind and lecture their fans if needed. This not only helps us grow as people but also reassures the love of our idols, who simply want us to become the best versions of ourselves. That’s why most of the biases are responsible and attentive - and we couldn’t be more grateful for it! 

7. Humor

Witty K-Pop idols have a special place in our hearts - on good days they stimulate our excitement and on bad days we can find consolation in their humor. Everyone loves to have a good laugh and thanks to such members we never get enough of it. For many fans, they become instant biases because they simply make life more cheerful and become our real-life endorphin supply. These are only a few of many aspects of K-Pop biases’ assets that win over fangirls’ and fanboys’ hearts. The truth is that the relationship between a fan and their favorite idol is indescribable and it’s much deeper than just talent, visuals, or behavior. It’s how you feel about them that matters and you will know your bias thanks to that. Are you new to Kpopmap Fan Interviews? Check out all of our interviews here. We have more than 150 interviews of fans from diverse fandoms talking about their bias and favorite artists(s). They are introducing to you their favorite group.  Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST & Why She Loves Her Bias HanBin by FANS|Jul 30, 2022 7 Reasons Why K Pop Fans Fall For Their Biases  - 917 Reasons Why K Pop Fans Fall For Their Biases  - 647 Reasons Why K Pop Fans Fall For Their Biases  - 16