The story focuses on the main protagonist Sunja, played by “Minari” star Youn YuhJung. The show will be led by Lee MinHo while teenage Sunja is played by Kim MinHa. Japanese actors Soji Arai and Kaho Minami to portray Mozasu and Etsuko and Japanese-New Zealand actress Anna Sawai will essay the role of Naomi, a tenacious careerist making her way in the male-dominated world of finance. Directors Kogonada and Justin Chon are set to direct four episodes each.Lee MinHo will play Ko Hansu, described as an enigmatic outsider and merchant with ties to organized crime who embarks on an illicit romance with far-reaching consequences. In the following section know more about the character of Hansu and what Lee MinHo feels about the same. 1. The Actor Had To Audition After A Decade To Bag The Role of Ko Hansu!In a recent interview, MinHo revealed that he indeed had to audition for the role of Hansu and in fact, this audition was his first in almost 11 years. The Hallyu actor hasn’t had to audition since “Boys Over Flowers” that shot him to fame in 2009. He also revealed that he was so determined to do the character that he really spent time to work and prepare for the role. As a matter of fact, he said that during the audition, he felt extremely pressured and nervous as he wanted to slay it. 2. Is Ko Hansu A Romantic Character?As per the novel, Hansu’s romance with Sunja is taboo-ridden, forbidden, and illicit. But it also indicates that if the television series is a replication of the story then MinHo’s presence in the role of Hansu would only serve to romanticize him further. In the book, Sunja is just 16 years old when she meets Hansu, who is in his early 30’s. Hansu seduces Sunja and starts sleeping with her. When Sunja becomes pregnant, he tells her he is already married and has a wife and kids in Japan. He offers her the choice to live as his mistress, which Sunja rejects. She later marries Isak, a priest, and moves to Japan with him. However, in publicizing MinHo’s character, Hansu is portrayed as someone who “uses his massive influence to keep Sunja as well as her family safe and well.” In less romanticized words — Hansu uses his position in the Yakuza to manipulate Sunja and her family’s circumstances, with the disillusionment that he is protecting her, but in fact, just harming her further. 3. Is Ko Hansu A Narcissist?The romanticization of manipulation and abuse is not new in Korean dramas — and it is certainly not new for characters played by Lee MinHo. The actor’s roles in both “The Heirs” and “Boys Over Flowers” are those of rich boys, often indifferent to others. These characters both fall in love with poor girls, who inevitably change them for the better. MinHo’s character in “Boys Over Flowers” is a bully to an extent where his torment causes another character to attempt suicide. In “The Heirs”, Kim Tan (Lee MinHo) and Cha EunSang (Park ShinHye) fall in love, despite Kim Tan being engaged to Rachel Yoo (Kim JiWon) — another toxic relationship entirely. Many actions of Kim Tan left a lot to be desired — for instance when he tells Cha EunSung that he would invade her privacy because he likes her. In every one of these dramas, the toxicity is brushed off. There is a “happily-ever-after” and the drama ends. But the impact of these dramas on a society that is often called out for its misogyny is downplayed. This brings us back to “Pachinko”. The Apple TV+ series is being made for a global audience, and so, the tropes often present in Korean dramas may not make their appearance. Nevertheless, we’re yet to find out if the series will actually show Koh Hansu to be the narcissistic, manipulative character that he is or if Lee MinHo, in the role, would make the writers change the narrative to show the ‘good guy’ character he tends to maintain in his projects.Lee MinHo was quoted saying, “If the knight in shining armor is my representative image, (then actually) I should keep going until I become the emperor in shining armor.” He further added that when he joined the show “Pachinko”, his determination to change his image became strong.“Pachinko” doesn’t have an official release date yet. But according to Apple, the series is set to debut later in 2021.So that’s all about what to expect from Lee MinHo’s character ‘Ko Hansu’ in “Pachinko” but before wrapping it up let’s give you an insight into what went behind the shooting scenes. While in Canada for the shoot, Lee MinHo was able to talk about his stay, rest in between shootings, cook for the teammates, have fun, and in the end share his impressions with others. Take a look!Are you excited to watch Lee MinHo in a different avatar in “Pachinko”? Share your thoughts in the comments section. Take A First Look At Lee MinHo’s Upcoming K-Drama “Pachinko” KDRAMA STORIES|Jan 27, 2022 Lee MinHo Completes His Filming Of “Pachinko” In Canada KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 12, 2021