(Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11 (Part.1)) (Chapter 11 (Part.2))  1. My Overall Experience In SeoulI can’t believe that this day has come. Two months flew by quickly, and I thought that was enough time to do everything I wanted, but I was wrong. There’s so much left to see and do here in South Korea; it is a place I will visit again! My eight weeks here have been a fantastic experience. Never in my life have I expected to travel to South Korea, and I am just proud of myself for taking a leap of faith and doing it. As someone who’s in her early twenties, I am at a place in my life where I want to travel and experience new things and cultures! Traveling not only fulfills that, but I’ve grown so much from being here and have tried something I’ve never done before! Doing this through a program on top of interning in South Korea is what made my experience even better. There were so many significant events planned every week. Learning how to navigate the workplace at my internship was a good balance between having fun experiences in South Korea with others and working. Also, all of us interns have become like family. I’ve been reflecting on how I never once felt alone or lost because of these connections. I recently had my farewell dinner with my program community. We ended up drinking all night, going to a Korean BBQ, and taking multiple photos at the photo booth. It was a fun night, and I realized how much I would miss them and this city. I’m so glad that I didn’t pass up this opportunity. Seoul will forever be in my heart! 2. A Beginners Guide To PackingSimilar to my first article, “Ways to Prepare Yourself Before Traveling Solo,” I will share a few tips on packing up with you. See below to read some information and personal advice!                                                                                                                             Ship As Much As You Can Before Departure One of the things that I have learned while staying in Seoul is that no matter where you travel, you’re going to shop or bring home souvenirs. If you only have a limited amount of luggage, I suggest shipping items back to your home as soon as possible so that when your departure day comes, you don’t have to worry about making sure everything fits.  Start Cleaning Out Your Accommodation A Week Early It’s better to start things on time. When it’s your departure day, you want it to be as stress-free as possible. I have learned the hard way from previous travel destinations that it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders when you clean and get rid of all the trash and items you don’t need as quickly as possible(especially the fridge). Not only does it save time, but it helps you organize better what you need to pack, and it does help you focus and function better with a clear mind. Go Over Departure Itinerary And Information/Early Check-In It’s always great to go over boarding pass information and all the travel requirements as soon as possible before your departure date. Now with COVID-19, there are still a few airports that require COVID-19 test results before you arrive back home, so double checking to see if you have all of the documents to make your travel back home is as easy as possible. If you check in early through your phone, that also saves up so much time for when you arrive at the airport.  Giving Your Remaining Items To Friends/Family When packing up to depart, you’ll most likely have lots of remaining items like extra paper towels, toilet paper, plastic forks and spoons, and maybe even food. Instead of letting it go to waste, giving it to someone or donating it is an excellent idea. I put certain items that I don’t need in a group chat with my friends and ask if they need any of them. That way, you don’t let those items go to waste, and you don’t have to make extra space in your luggage to pack everything in with things you might not even need.  3. Farewell South KoreaI’m so sad that I am leaving South Korea so soon! There’s still so much to do here, but since I have a little time left, I want to make short trips around Seoul that I have never been to. As I mentioned in my previous article, I am looking forward to going to the Starfield Library soon in Gangnam-gu. I am currently making a list of areas around Seoul where I would like to travel to before my departure, which I am very much looking forward to. As I mentioned in my previous article, I just had a farewell dinner with my program. We all have grown so close over the past month, and we were always there for each other. It’s going to be hard saying goodbye to all of them because we all genuinely liked each other and had a lot of fun. We are still going to keep in touch, and we are planning reunions in the future! I realized how important it is to make new connections and that I would’ve had a different experience if I didn’t make friendships with the other interns. I have been a part of many internships in the past, and this accommodation is the best. Another thing I will miss will be my accommodation. It was just very comfortable and at a location where it was highly convenient for me. There were convenience stores, cafes, banks, subway stations, etc. Everything was so close to me, and the staff was just so kind. Since I lived in a co-living space, there are community kitchens, and the community kitchens are the thing I will miss most about this accommodation. I have made many friends in the kitchen, just cooking, having conversations with new people, and always having a great time! There is a lot I will miss about Seoul, and I will never forget these two months of experience! 4. Farewell KpopmapMy time at Kpopmap has been a blast. I am so thankful that I got this opportunity and share my experiences with all of you! Working here has been amazing, and I’ve learned so much. As a film major with a film degree, I was apprehensive about coming to Kpopmap because I had never worked in the marketing world before. I learned so much in Kpopmap and had a lot of fun! I also had a great time was the co-workers I worked with. Everyone is so kind, works hard at their jobs, and supports me every step of the way, and we’ve all become closer. I will miss them a lot, and they have always made me feel comfortable and included. I will never forget all the funny conversations we would have during lunch or taking day trips to explore Seoul a little bit, company dinners, and hangouts after work. I can never forget all the different restaurants we went to during lunch. This was a great learning experience, and we will keep in touch! My farewell day is coming up soon, and I am sad it’s so quick, but I will never forget all the incredible memories I have had here! Thank YouFinally, I want to say farewell to all of you who have been reading my articles. It’s been an amazing two months of sharing my journey with you! I never thought I would travel to Seoul and blog about my daily life. It’s an experience I will never forget, and who knows, maybe I’ll make more Kpopmap content in the future! For now, it’s time to say farewell and thank you again for being on this journey with me! THE END If you want to start from the beginning and read about my entire experience in Seoul, check out the articles below! Escape To Explore Series: 10 Areas In South Korea That Will Impress Your Friends (Part.2) by FANS|Dec 9, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: 10 Areas In South Korea That Will Impress Your Friends (Part.1) by FANS|Dec 8, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: Skincare In Seoul by FANS|Dec 6, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: My Journey So Far In Seoul by FANS|Nov 30, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: Nightlife In Seoul by FANS|Nov 28, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: My First Karaoke Experience In Seoul by FANS|Nov 23, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: Tasting Korean Food And Soju In Seoul by FANS|Nov 22, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: My Shopping Adventure In Seoul! by FANS|Nov 15, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: Using The Seoul Metro For The First Time by FANS|Nov 11, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: Meet The Interns!!! by FANS|Nov 9, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: What It Feels Like To Arrive In Seoul by FANS|Nov 7, 2022 Escape To Explore Series: My First Solo Travel To Seoul by FANS|Nov 3, 2022 Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 39Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 43Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 87Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 12Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 78Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 22Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 56Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 58Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 37Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 54Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 61Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 91Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 43Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 9Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 47Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 31Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 95Escape To Explore Series  Farewell South Korea  - 26