I’ve never believed in fairy tales. In fact, growing up, while my mates were so into those stories, I already had a realistic view of romance and relationships. But right now, as I lay in this dimly lit room filled with the sweet vanilla scent emanating from the candle on the nightstand and feeling the warmth of the human next to me, my old beliefs about fairytales being propaganda and marketing by big companies who use our emotions to make more money feels like a silly afterthought now.*He snores so softly and I can’t help but smile at how cute he is.*How did I get here? I mean, it is quite impossible for me to be here. It is not about insecurities or not being worthy of being in this current state of bliss and happiness. No, it is more like, what went on in the mind of a mystical being that just randomly decided that these two people meet and against all odds, fall in love.*He moves again scratching his head.**We might need to change shampoo brands.*Where was I? Oh yes, I mean, it is not a normal occurrence to run into an idol and not just anyone but someone who you really admire and respect for their amazing talents. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t his biggest fan (then anyway) but I always admired his talents and the hard work of his group as well.So it wasn’t a come to Jesus moment when I ran into him for the first time, but it was close to perfect as what turned out to be an awkward first meeting had led to this moment where I am smiling ear to ear in the dark while staring lovingly at the ceiling like it is heaven itself.Is this how cliche romance novels start? Maybe I should pen this and forward it to Hallmark.*He moves again stretching his arms across my chest.*I guess he is checking to see if I am still here. Probably dreaming of me too. hehe or maybe he just needs to stretch his long limbs. I will go with the first two options though.Oh, I digress again. His muscular arms tend to get my attention, after all, it was the first thing that I noticed when we ran into each other, the first day we met. It wasn’t a weird meeting, well, now that I really think about it, meeting and talking to a stranger is often weird, especially for an introvert like me, but on that day, for some weird reason (again, the mystical beings were clearly hard at work that day), I was very jovial and excited about going to the gym.Packing up my bags, wearing my grey Under Armour tee and shorts, (I wanted to wear the lemon one but I thought that would be too flashy), I looked in the mirror and said “You look good!“Dashing out the door with my earbuds tucked in my ear, blasting my favorite songs on repeat, I briskly walked down the road, heading to the gym. This is a new gym that just opened up, so, it doesn’t have that airy sweaty smell that lingers after people were done, which made me feel very comfortable.By no means am I the fittest in the room or even the next room, but I kind of know my way around the weights. I begin working out, still blasting my songs and even singing out loud some lyrics. I can do that because the gym is practically empty and the only figure of a human being I see here is at the farthest end of the room.“Perfect”. I say to myself.30 minutes later I am drenched in sweat. Looking at the mirror and seeing my little imaginary pump, I feel so alive and active. I set out to do more weights as somehow, I want to relish this feeling. An action that I would regret in a couple of minutes.I added 10 kg to the weights and did 10 reps. Feeling like I could probably lift Thor’s hammer at this point, I added another 10 kg. I was at the 5th rep when my hands began to shake and I felt the weight of the world was about to fall on my soft body.“Mummy!!!” I cried out!My head starts spinning as I vehemently swore from the excruciating pain.What was literally 30 seconds felt like a lifetime as my life flashed before my eyes. My screams must have helped because I suddenly felt a huge dark presence around me and for a moment I thought"Is this the Grim reaper? I am not ready!“Suddenly my heavy load felt a lot lighter as my hands wobbled to the floor. My eyes still shut tight, and I begin to cry. I soon realise, I really wasn’t alone as a hand gently touches my shoulders, it felt warm and soft.He asks “Are you okay?"His voice is so soft and gentle. “It wasn’t the Grim reaper, it is an angel”.I slowly open my eyes to thank my life saver and for a moment I must have really gone to heaven because just like I thought, it felt like I was literally staring at an angel.I remember the glow on his face as beads of sweat dripped down his hair, the concerned look in his eyes as he stretches his hands to help me sit up. There he was, the visual of K-Pop, the man that makes the heart of everyone beat faster, JunWoo, standing in my presence with his sleeveless shirt and Nike shorts.I lied earlier, this was definitely a come to Jesus moment.From experiencing what I still call a life and death situation to be in the presence of his angel-like form, I feel my world spinning as I just stare at him so blankly. He walks away, with a spring in his step, and in a split second, he is back with a cup of water in his hands. He hands it over to me wrapping his huge hands around mine and helping me take a sip from the water.At this point, I don’t think my heart is still beating so fast from the thought that it almost got crushed in by a ton of weight. It must be from looking at him.He looks at me deeply, his eyes are so full of concern and care, I don’t think anyone has looked at me this way before.Breathe Breathe “Hi, I am fine”. I say as I gather myself. “Thank you so much. I honestly thought I could do well, gosh I am so silly”.I look back up at his face again.He is smiling warmly.“Wow! The pictures do not do him any justice.““You have to take it easy,” he says. “It is not a one-day thing you know, start small and build up from there.“His words, as simple as they were, sounded like a motivational statement from a Ted talk. And all I could think was “Yes, I am going to do that”.He gestures like he was asking if I could stand, and I try to but still feeling a bit dizzy, I wobble and he catches me.“Argh!!!” A cliche moment that we have all probably seen in K-Dramas. I think he has a scene like that too.I apologize while he holds my arms firmly.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt this safe before. Now, I am by no means small, but at the moment, I could be likened to a calf standing close to a horse.Looking up at his face.“Wow! He is so handsome!“He laughs broadly.“Oops, that wasn’t in my head.““Sor…“I try to say.“Thank you, you are handsome too”. He responds.“Oh you feeble heart of mine, you better not combust on this beautiful man’s body.“I stand up straight, and he suggests we take a walk around the gym, to get my body functioning right again. I gladly oblige.Holding my arm, we begin our journey.“Argh! This is a bit awkward. Say something. Do something. Anything.” I think to myself.“hmmm hmmm”.  He clears his throatHe stops walking I also stop walking and I am looking around a bit confused.He turns to face me.“Hello, I am JunWoo, nice to meet you”.*He stretches out his hands.*I never had a heart sink to the floor moment till now and when people talk about feeling butterflies in their stomachs, I always thought that was a silly thing, but this, this must be how that feels like.“Get yourself together boy.” I thought to myself.“Hello, I am Eric, nice to meet you too”.He smiles again “Gosh, that smile”.He holds my arm again, we continue walking.“Did this man just really introduce himself to me like I didn’t already know who he was?” I think to myself.“hmmm hmmm”.  He clears his throat again.“You must live around the area. This gym just opened up last week and it seems not many people know about it yet"“Oh! The owner didn’t do an opening event?” I asked like he was supposed to know.So silly.“I moved to the area a couple of days ago and saw this on my way back from work yesterday. I thought I would try it out”.  I quickly continue.“That’s good”. He responds “Yes, he did actually, but I guess many people around here don’t like working out by this time”.I make an “Oh!” face taking a mental note to come to the gym at this time from now on to avoid a lot of foot traffic.But please, let there be at least one person near so I don’t get crushed to death.I look at him.“How about you? Do you live around here?"He looks at me questionably for what felt like a long time.“Argh! He might think I am a sasaeng.““Neverm…” I try saying.“No, I don’t. Actually, I am around to shoot a drama. The owner is a close friend and told me the space was free today to workout”.I smile “He works hard”. I thought.I catch him looking at me. He looks away shyly. “Should I ask him about the drama? That might look like I am prying too much. I should at least ask him how the shooting went though”.“That is so nice of him. How has the shooting been so far? Hope not too stressful? The weather is a bit dry. Hope you’re taking care well?“I ramble on.“Oh, Eric! Like he doesn’t already have a lot of people at his beck and call”  I think to myself, shaking my head.He looks at me like he knows what I am thinking and says “The weather is dry but the shooting went well. I gave my manager the night off, I don’t have a schedule tomorrow, so I hope we can both have a restful day.““Wow, handsome and thoughtful too…“My thoughts come to a halt as he stops moving.He looks at me and smiles.“Again with the smiling? He knows how to make your heart melt”. I thought.“I think you are all better now. I have to finish off my set. Try to take it very lightly if you want to continue exercising. I will be watching you.““I will be watching you?!” I heard that correct right?As if knowing I am pondering on his last statement, he smiles cheekily, gently taps my head, and slowly walks away.Still standing and watching his broad back as he walks away, his words replay in my mind.“I will be watching you”. “Oh My God!” “What is this?”  Fan Fiction: Lifting Love: An Irresistible Entanglement (Chapter 2) KPOP STORIES|Jun 3, 2022 Fan Fiction: Lifting Love: An Irresistible Entanglement (Chapter 3) KPOP STORIES|Jun 24, 2022 Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 1   - 96Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 1   - 19