Note that Actions are in bold and starred, Thoughts are in quotation marks and italics, while Words are just in quotation marks alone. Fan Fiction: Lifting Love: An Irresistible Entanglement (Chapter 1) KPOP STORIES|May 13, 2022 Fan Fiction: Lifting Love: An Irresistible Entanglement (Chapter 2) KPOP STORIES|Jun 3, 2022  

Chapter 3

He looks even more perplexed than I am. Clearly taken aback by the anger in my voice. I am not too worried about his astounded reaction but more about trying to figure out what happened in the last couple of hours as yet, the only thing I could remember was taking my second cup of beer.“Damn Eric! Your alcohol tolerance is at zero” I thought to myself.I adjust on the bed, still spanning around the room, part looking for my clothes and also trying to avoid his sad gaze. I begin to wonder if I have just overreacted or if something did happen and I was just too drunk to remember.He drops the food tray on the bed.Following his movement, I see my clothes folded on the armchair by the corner. A wave of embarrassment flushes through me and if I was avoiding his gaze before, I was doing it more intently now like he was Medusa. Without him explaining what had happened, I already have a vivid imagination of what could have gone on last night, I had probably drunk too much and turned into a spiraling mess.Mmmh MmmhHe clears his throat and places clothes beside me.I still cannot look him in the eyes, as without a word, he simply walks out the door.“Oh, God! He must be very angry!” “Damn you, Eric!” I thought to myself.But thinking about it now, that might have been the only reaction I could have had because it was a shocking experience.After a couple of minutes, I am dressed up, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity in my clothes. I notice the food tray, plated with a bowl of Bean Sprout soup. He clearly is very thoughtful as this was just what I needed. But honestly, I am too ashamed to even look at it much less take a sip it as I had basically accused him of the unthinkable.“Lord! How do I come back from this?” I prayed in my mind.Opening the door slowly to avoid any creaking sound, it felt like I was walking on eggshells as I slowly crept into the parlor.He is seated, legs crossed, and having a conversation with someone on the phone.“Oh Lord! Is he going to talking the police?! Eric, you are about to be on the news”. “Foreigner falsely accuses famous actor and idol JunWoo of harassment”. “You better have your bags packed cause you will definitely be deported!” I thought to myself.My thoughts run wild.Hahahaha I am brought back to reality with his resounding laughter that seemed to echo around me.“I guess he might not be so angry then.” I think to myself feeling a bit of relief.Hahahaha He laughs again and this time louder than before. A hint of jealously crosses through my mind as I wonder who was making him laugh like this.He looks at me, his smile fades and my heart sinks to the floor.“Oh Eric, you’ve messed this up”. I thought with a sigh as I stared down the floor.He doesn’t seem to acknowledge my presence and I am left in a state of confusion, should I keep standing here like a statue or just bow my head in shame as I quickly walk out the door.I choose option two and seeing my gym bag and jacket by the entrance, I begin what felt like thr longest journey towards the door. As I close to the door and am about to pick up my belongings, silently saying goodbye to him and what could have been, I immediately feel his towering presence around me.Startled, I turn around briskly and we are nose to nose. As I try to take a step back, I stumble and he immediately reaches out his hands, grabbing the smol of my waist. Staring into his eyes, I see his anger subside and just warmth and affection. I guess he knows how sorry I am about what happened.He clears his throat again.“Are you okay?” He asks"Yes, yes I am fine" I respond.With my head down, staring at my feet, I say “I am sorry”.A moment passes and he didn’t respond.I looked at him shocked at the question, judging the situation, it would be crazy for me to eat. I don’t say any of this but simply shake my head in “No”.He takes my hands and walks me back to the parlor, and beckons me to seat down. I do. Walking back into the room, he comes out a second later with the food tray.“It’s gotten cold,” he said.He walks towards the kitchen with the tray in hand. Silence ensued as the only noises I could hear were the opening and closing of the microwave and the beep of the time. My eyes following him to the kitchen, I begin to take a visual tour of his parlor.“Wow! This is huge!” I think to myself. Well, what do you expect from being one of the most famous idols and starring in various successful dramas? In his last one, he looked so good playing the role of a grim reaper. The production team might have had a bit of controversy around it but, his acting was quite good and honestly the only reason why I watched till the end.I spot a huge picture of his group on the wall.“Oh! I know where this is from!” I think to myself while pointing at the picture.It was from their first-ever music show win back in 2020 for ‘Bad Guy’. I remember cause I felt so bad for my bias group who were still rookies also performed and I was rooting for them to win also.I must have been so deep in my thoughts as I didn’t notice when he walked close to me. Feeling the weight of the luxury couch move, I saw him seated close to me and he said"Oh, that! A lot of the members cried that day but I didn’t" he said with a smile.Hahahaha I burst out laughing.He looks at me in awe.Trying to hold back my laughter I say, “I mean, you didn’t cry?!” “Sir! Who was walking around the stage, eyes wet and red with his arms crossed like he was at a funeral?!” “And that group hug, I saw the tears trickling down your face!““I didn’t!” He said pouting! Oh! he is so adorable!“Alright! Alright! You didn’t!” Patting his head. It felt like a natural response as our awkward moment a few minutes ago had totally dispersed.He smiles warmly“It must have been a really special moment.” I say to him.“Yes. Yes it was”. He responds with a soft somber tone. “Not just for the members, but for the fans as well. That was a win for all of us”.They have gone on to have more wins following that day, I remember back in 2021, their album and the lead single did amazing well, and it had more wins too. With a hip-swaying killer dance move that served as a shock at that moment.Instinctively looks at his hips.He catches my stare.Mmmh Mmmh  I clear my throat.I have always wondered how it felt to be an idol. The consistent practice, the need to be better with every stage, the almost sort of competition with others to remain on top and be one of the most popular.I guess frankly, being an idol is like a full-time marketing and sales job. You have to keep presenting yourself in a way that people would be attracted and pay attention to you, you have to appeal to your buyers with your talents, and you have mark-ups every year, which, you just have to keep increasing as you do not want another marketer or sales rep to overtake your position.Sighs“It truly is not easy.” I think out loud.“What isn’t?” He asks.I feel taken aback, I do not want to sound so sympathetic or like a kiss as but I want him to understand that maybe, in some way, I do understand what might be a tiring life"Being an idol” I finally respond. “It doesn’t seem as easy as it looks.““I think beyond just the 3 to 4 minutes on stage, the glamorous music videos or photoshoots, the acting, even the adoring fans, for me, it is clear there are a lot of things that lead up to various moments in your career, a lot of sacrifices and heartaches too, I don’t think it is always as easy as it seems to us as viewers or fans.“He is looking at me intensely. I continue.“I mean, I know it is not bad either, there are also many great things from being an idol, and the benefits are  worthwhile too. But somehow, I do feel like there is a lot of pressure accrued to this job, because frankly, it is a job. And on that has expectations and meets too."*PauseLooks at him*Continue“I think maybe it might even be more difficult than every other job in the world. Not undermining all the jobs in the world, but somehow, I feel there is a weight that many idols, especially the really popular ones like yourself have to carry.““You are sort of an escape to many fans and many of them often live their lives through you. I think that’s why it is more difficult and there is no room for error as it is almost like you need to be a well-oiled programmed machine, living by a dictated plan and set to deliver constant joy and happiness to your viewers. But you are not!“I stop talking. He is still looking at me. His eyes are wet but filled with a sense of warmth and gratitude? I don’t know how to explain it but that moment felt surreal as it looked like those were words he needed to hear.“I could kiss you right now"“HUH?!“He begins to lean over. I instinctively close my eyes. I feel the warmth of his body as he brings his face closer to mine. And as our lips begin to graze…..DING DONGKeypad SoundDoor opens and closes“HYUNG!” a loud voice calls out from the entryway.  Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever (“True Beauty” Han SeoJun X Reader AU) KDRAMA STORIES|May 27, 2022 Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 3   - 2Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 3   - 29Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 3   - 82