Word Count: 1.5kGenre: Romance, Fluff.T/W: NoneAuthor’s Note: I hope this work brings you joy and comfort when you need it the most.*Y/N - Your (Reader’s) Name; Reader’s dialogues are in purple; Han SeoJun’s dialogues are in red.OC (Original Characters): Y/N’s best friend/colleague Hyuk, SeoJun’s puppy Dal. 

Read Chapter 1 here:

  Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever (“True Beauty” Han SeoJun X Reader AU) KDRAMA STORIES|May 27, 2022

Read Chapter 2 here:

  Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever (“True Beauty” Han SeoJun X Reader AU) Chapter 2 KDRAMA STORIES|Jul 1, 2022

Chapter 3: My Bias Is In Love With Me!

“I missed you” - the words reverberated inside your head as blood rushed to your cheek, giving it a flush glow. You heard what he said, he heard what you said and for a moment, everything else went quiet. The mere possibility that you could’ve broken the promise you made to him was eating away at your soul and so, as you were standing there, looking at SeoJun from inches away, you couldn’t help the flood of emotions that demanded expression. In a moment that felt strangely wholesome yet tense, the palpable chemistry between the two of you almost made you gravitate towards him before you caught yourself leaning forward. The bubble of your enchantment was burst by your own self-awareness and you suddenly realized that your hand was still caressing his face. At once, your attention was drawn to the warmth of his cheek and right when you went to pull your hand back, SeoJun held it in place. “Just a while”, he said, barely louder than a whisper. Longing was writ all over his face but you were too taken aback to make any sense of it. Just like he wished, you stayed there for a couple more seconds, but neither of you said a word. It almost felt as though language would tarnish the beauty of the silence that you held between the two of you. You probably could have stood there for the next hour, looking into each other’s eyes, had you not been interrupted by SeoJun’s leg buckling under pressure, causing him to lunge himself at you on accident. Luckily, you caught him just in time to keep him on his feet and sat him down on the parapet nearby.“Are you okay? What happened to your leg?”, you asked, still holding on to SeoJun’s arm.“Is it too corny if I say I went weak in the knees for you?”, he answered, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.“Oh stop it, you!” you said, letting go of his arm and nudging him playfully. “What really happened?““I guess all the waiting got to me..” he said, trailing off as he looked away from you.Guilt washed over you as your realized the import of his words. “He must have been waiting for hours!”, you thought, before looking at your watch to check the time. It really had been hours since you were supposed to meet, and as there was nowhere to sit and relax around this area, his legs must have given in!“I..I am so sor-““She’d been doing so well lately! Who would have thought she would break down on me like that?””..huh? Who are you talking about, SeoJun?” you asked, suddenly struck by the realization that SeoJun might have a girlfriend already. You wouldn’t dare admit it, but your heart sank as you instinctively moved away from him ever so slightly.SeoJun noticed the subtle change in your body language and moved closer to you in response, almost anxiously. “Is everything okay?”, he asked, abandoning his story mid-way.“Oh yes, no, it’s nothing! What were you saying again? Your girlfriend had a breakdown?” you asked, unable to keep your assumptions in.SeoJun’s face distorted into an unrecognizable expression as he tried to figure out where you got that from, before breaking into a hearty laugh. “Girlfriend? I don’t remember asking you out yet!”, he said, holding his stomach and leaning back.As adorable as this was, you were thoroughly puzzled, and a sense of urgency took over. “SeoJun, do you have a girlfriend?” you asked, determined to get a straightforward answer out of him.“Well, if all goes well, I’m going to have one soon!”, he said, resting his chin on his palm, and he looked at you with those big brown eyes.You could see how he thought he had you wrapped around his finger, and quite honestly, you couldn’t really protest otherwise. You were wearing your heart on your sleeve and presenting it to him on a platter, but SeoJun being SeoJun, was taking his sweet time to rile you up, just like the first time you met. Stomping your foot on the ground, you got up from beside him and put your hands on your waist, looking down at him with a pout. His first bout of laughter had barely ended before another commenced. He got up slowly until he was towering over you once again and reached for your hands, bringing them down from your waist and holding them in his own.“I was talking about Rebecca, my motorcycle, silly! I was on my way to the concert, but it broke down suddenly, and I had to wait at the mechanic’s garage for quite a long time. That’s why I couldn’t come to the show. I will say though, I was terrified of disappointing you.” He had the sweetest little smile on his face, and you were more relieved than you thought, but all you could focus on was the way your hands fit perfectly in his and the way he softly rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. For the first time in a while, you felt cherished romantically, and your heart was beating right out of your chest.“Come on, I know a spot”, he said, pulling you towards himself with a cheeky grin. You half-ran to the motorcycle, hand-in-hand as he guided you, only letting go to bring out a second helmet. Carefully moving a strand of your hair from your face, he gently put it over your head and secured the strap. You swore you saw him blush, but he just tapped the helmet softly and smiled at you.“Huh…you look cute in that.”, he said, trying to sound nonchalant.“Well, blue is my favorite colour, so..wait! Why do you have two helmets?” you asked, genuinely curious.“Umm, well…I mean…I wanted to take you on a motorcycle date, I mean ride, and watch the sunset with you, but..““No way! A motorcycle ride?! Were we going to ride off into the sunset? That’s so cool!““Really? You think so?““I know so! Ugh, I hate that I missed it! But wait, did you say date?”, you said with a smirk. It was your turn to have the upper hand.“Did I?” he said, swiftly getting on his bike. “Hop in! We’re late for our..date”. he said, emphasizing “date” but somehow, you didn’t get the feeling that you won. Instead, the butterflies took over, and you almost felt a giggle escape before holding it in.After driving for almost an hour, which in actuality, felt like a couple of minutes as you rambled on about the concert to him, you arrived at the destination. It was a quaint little open-air cafe with only a couple of tables. You got down from his bike and were about to take off your helmet, but SeoJun beat you to it, softly taking it off for you. He bent down slightly to your level and fixed your hair, but the touch of his gentle fingers on your face sent chills down your spine. This was it. Your mind was made, and your heart was set. You were smitten.“Perfect. Let’s go!”, he said, ushering you in.The place was run by an elderly couple who seemed to adore SeoJun, and seeing you with him, especially considering how sweet and affectionate he was being, brought on the question.“Is this your girlfriend, SeoJun?” the lovely halmeoni asked him as he greeted her. “Not yet!”, he whispered but made it loud enough for you to hear. “We’ll take the table on the far end halmeoni. Oh, and I want all of your best dishes today!” he demanded endearingly.“You sure have a way of making people love you, huh?” you said, settling down on a chair.“What can I say? I’m Han SeoJun, after all!““Can’t deny that!““What about you?““What about me?““Do you..““Like you?““Pssht, that’s not what I was going to ask you at all!” he said, visibly flustered all of a sudden. He picked up the glass of water in front of him and took a sip.“Really? Too bad. I did actually like you.“SeoJun barely managed to keep the water in his mouth, but it took him a second to swallow.“H-Huh? Does that mean you don’t like me anymore? But..but I barely got the chance to impress you! You have to give me another-““I like you”, you said, even more confidently this time around.SeoJun was speechless for a second as you looked him right in the eye.“You’re gorgeous.” he said, before plunging across the table and pulling you in for a hug. You could sense relief in him but also a giddy joy that you’d never seen him express before. “Is that how it feels to be loved?”, you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes and immersed yourself in the experience. This was a first, most definitely, and you had a feeling he was going to be your last.After what felt like a whole minute, SeoJun pulled away and stood right up. “Halmeoni! She’s my girlfriend now!” he yelled out as if in celebration, making you blush deep red.“Hey! You didn’t even ask me out properly yet!““It’s no question at all. Your bias is in love with you!". 

The End. 

   Fan Fiction  The Anatomy Of Forever   True Beauty  Han SeoJun X Reader AU  Chapter 3   My Bias Is In Love With Me   - 51Fan Fiction  The Anatomy Of Forever   True Beauty  Han SeoJun X Reader AU  Chapter 3   My Bias Is In Love With Me   - 3