What’s an ‘Ideal Type’?As K-Idols become more and more popular, many fans wonder what type of person they get fascinated by. Thus, idols’ ideal types get tremendous amount of attention. As soon as their ideal types are released, fans get busy trying their best to look or act similar to the characteristics listed. But don’t worry too much if their description doesn’t fit you. Their ideal types can change as often as whenever a new album comes out. You never know, their change of preference may better fit you. K-Idols often get asked about which aspect of their ideal partner they look for the most. Some idols’ answers are specific, but sometimes they’re ambiguous. As well as describing the characteristics of their ideal types, idols often name celebrities who best matches their type.Here is a compilation of ideal-type characteristics revealed by our bias of the day. See if any of them fit you!Idol Ideal Type of the Day: Park JiHoon. 

Park JiHoon’s Ideal Type Compilation

 Ideal Types (Descriptions):He’s looking for someone younger than him, with a slightly shorter stature, and who is faithful to him. He’d like to date someone that relies on him and only looks at him.  QUIZ: What Relationship Would You Have With Yeon ShiEun Of “Weak Hero Class 1” Played By Park JiHoon? QUIZZES|Nov 21, 2022 Bias Duality: The Wonder Boy Of South Korea, Park JiHoon Is The Heartthrob We Just Can’t Get Enough Of KPOP STORIES|Sep 12, 2022 Idols  Ideal Types Compilation  Park JiHoon  - 32Idols  Ideal Types Compilation  Park JiHoon  - 45Idols  Ideal Types Compilation  Park JiHoon  - 33