For those who did not know, “My Liberation Notes” is a human melodrama that revolves around the frustratingly mundane lives of three siblings, Yeom MiJeong (Kim JiWon), Yeom ChangHee (Lee MinKi), Yeom GiJeong (EL), and follows them on their path to liberation when a mysterious stranger known solely as Mr. Gu (Son SukKu) enters their lives.Soon after its finale, “My Liberation Notes” shot up in popularity on Netflix. According to data provided by FlixPatrol, the drama swiftly entered Netflix’s Global Top 10 chart of the most-watched TV shows on the platform. As of May 31, 2022, “My Liberation Notes” is ranked the 6th most popular TV show on Netflix.You can access this data and more here. It is important to note that while FlixPatrol has access to data from a huge majority, it does not have access to data from all the countries in the world.What did you think of the ending to “My Liberation Notes”? Tell us in the comments section down below!  Bias Duality: Kim JiWon In “Fight For My Way” Vs. Kim JiWon In “My Liberation Notes” KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 11, 2022 K Drama  My Liberation Notes  Currently Ranked The 6th Most Popular TV Show On Netflix  - 65K Drama  My Liberation Notes  Currently Ranked The 6th Most Popular TV Show On Netflix  - 34K Drama  My Liberation Notes  Currently Ranked The 6th Most Popular TV Show On Netflix  - 74