The movie revolves around a Black Op team working for South Korea, stationed in Shenyang, a city in China with the highest density of spies. When it is proven that reports from the team to the NIS have been fabricated, the NIS sends a demoted prosecutor to investigate the situation.Based on data retrieved from FlixPatrol on April 12, 2022, “Yaksha: Ruthless Operations” is currently the 3rd most popular movie on Netflix worldwide.You can access this data and more here. It is important to note that while FlixPatrol has access to data from a huge majority, it does not have access to data from all the countries in the world.On the other hand, based on Netflix’s own data, “Yaksha: Ruthless Operations” is the 3rd most-watched non-English movie globally. From April 4 to April 10, 2022, the movie was watched for 12,540,000 hours.You can click here for more information on the ranking from Netflix.Have you watched “Yaksha: Ruthless Operations” yet? Is the movie trending in your country? Tell us in the comments section down below!  K-Dramas Dominate Netflix’s Global Top 10 Non-English TV Shows Ranking KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 13, 2022 10 Most Popular Netflix Programs Currently In Korea (Based On April 11, 2022 Data) KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 11, 2022 Korean Movie  Yaksha  Ruthless Operations  Currently Ranked The 3rd Most Popular Movie On Netflix Globally  - 10Korean Movie  Yaksha  Ruthless Operations  Currently Ranked The 3rd Most Popular Movie On Netflix Globally  - 37Korean Movie  Yaksha  Ruthless Operations  Currently Ranked The 3rd Most Popular Movie On Netflix Globally  - 65Korean Movie  Yaksha  Ruthless Operations  Currently Ranked The 3rd Most Popular Movie On Netflix Globally  - 14