Spoiler Alert!The premise of the drama revolves around a fictional band LUNA and more specifically, member Yoon TaeIn (played by Lee JunYoung) who is the leader, main vocalist, and producer of the group. As it appears, Yoon TaeIn has some internalized trauma that manifests itself in insomnia and somnambulism (sleepwalking). Every night, he dreams of walking along a moonlit path towards an unclear destination where he plays the guitar. Unbeknownst to him, he is actually sleepwalking and quite dangerously at that. Jung InSun plays In YoonJu, a tour guide who gets involved in a real estate scam and ends up losing a fortune. She has a twin sister who was adopted by a couple in the United States and has grown up to become a famed celebrity doctor. In a comedy of errors, In YoonJu is mistaken for her sister, In SunJoo (now, Kang SunJoo), and is appointed to be TaeIn’s in-house doctor. She ends up living with the LUNA members in their dorm and hilarity ensues.There is a freshness to “Let Me Be Your Knight” that you won’t find in other idol dramas. While some elements of idol life are exaggerated for effect, it does not ever get unrealistic. The sudden rise and fall of Yoon TaeIn is shocking but necessary for the plot to develop. The twin plot is interesting too, for it sets up a catch-22 that will most probably resurface at a critical point in the story. Both Lee JunYoung and Jung InSun are perfectly aligned when it comes to comedic timing and their push-and-pull chemistry is adorable, to say the least. Jung InSun is charming, youthful, and spirited whereas Lee JunYoung is serious and at times, musically eccentric but also endearing. Lee JunYoung plays his character with such nuance that it is hard not to get completely invested in his story. At the same time, Jung InSun’s duality will tug at your heartstrings even when she has a smile on her face. If that’s not raw talent, we don’t know what is. “Let Me Be Your Knight” is just the ray of sunshine we need in this cold winter. We cannot wait to see how the story unfolds in the following episodes. Meanwhile, you can follow LUNA on their official Instagram here to get to know them better!Are you watching “Let Me Be Your Knight”? Share your thoughts with Kpopmap in the comments section down below!  “Let Me Be Your Knight” (2021 Drama): Cast & Summary KDRAMA STORIES|Nov 4, 2021 Top 7 K-Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist This November 2021 KDRAMA STORIES|Nov 3, 2021  Let Me Be Your Knight  Is The Perfect Winter Rom Com And Here s Why  - 51 Let Me Be Your Knight  Is The Perfect Winter Rom Com And Here s Why  - 17 Let Me Be Your Knight  Is The Perfect Winter Rom Com And Here s Why  - 33 Let Me Be Your Knight  Is The Perfect Winter Rom Com And Here s Why  - 41 Let Me Be Your Knight  Is The Perfect Winter Rom Com And Here s Why  - 48 Let Me Be Your Knight  Is The Perfect Winter Rom Com And Here s Why  - 91