Seo YeaJi who plays Eve (also known as RaEl) in the tvN drama “Eve” is out for revenge in the first episode of ”Eve” as she weaves her web of deceit. Seo YeaJi returns from America to seek out justice for her father who was murdered (because he wouldn’t lie saying he was a spy in the company) by Han PoRa’s (a well-known politician) wingman and henchman’s hands. She will stop at nothing to make sure the politician and his family which includes his daughter Han SoRa played by Yoo Sun and his son-in-law Kang YoonGyum who is the CEO of LY Group which is played by Park ByungEun pay for their wicked ways. As well as the henchman who so cruelly gloated after the death of her father and went as far as to smile at Eve at the hospital after her mother and her identified Eve’s father’s body.Eve then disappeared to America with the help of a lawyer who later changed his career to a member of The National Assembly of South Korea (due to not being able to help Eve and her family and realizing his need for power) named Seo EunPyeong played by Lee SangYeob and doesn’t return to Korea until thirteen years later. Also, Eve’s mother disappeared into what seems like thin air as well as she is not heard from even once Eve returns to Korea. But she uses her time away from Korea to set the foundation and learn more about the politician, his family, his henchmen and the world of the politician which is often cutthroat due to the high society members who reside in it.Eve starts her hunt of her prey very much like that of a spider as she emerges back into the world as a mother (her daughter goes to the same school as the chairman’s granddaughter) and a wife to Jang JinWook played by Lee HaYul.Join us as we compare Eve and the genius jumping type spider Portia! 

1. Portia Spiders and Eve Have Great Foresight

We meet Eve dancing a tango on stage at the prestigious kindergarten that her daughter goes to and the same school where the politician has strong ties. And she makes it a point to be here in this moment so that she can catch the eyes of CEO Kang YoonGyum. She succeeds as he can’t take his eyes off her and he isn’t interested in any of the performers on stage until he sees Eve. And she knows that this is the perfect way to show of her talents and grow his interest in her. Lastly, she makes it her goal to lock in and stare into YoonGyum’s eyes and to give him her attention so, that he feels special and begins to fall into her web that she’s weaving. 

2. Eve like Portia continues to watch her prey and Gather Information!

Once the performance is over Eve is at the after party where she continues to observe YoonGyum and his wife Han SoRa. She even sends her daughter to make friends with YoonGyum and Han SoRa’s daughter to get closer to them and have a way to always stay in contact if their daughters are friends. Also, she asks around to the different parents at the after party about Han SoRa and why she’s so distant so that she can continue to learn about her enemy which is something Portia the jumping spider does to continue to learn about their prey so that they can find the right plan that fits perfectly and specifically for their prey. Eve knowing that she’s hunting very dangerous people just like Portia remains cautious while using her intelligence to get her closer to her target. 

3. Small Disturbances to Smoke Screens

If the first plans don’t work and Portia spiders are hunting big prey like Eve is as she’s dealing with opponents who have a lot of power and influence. The Portia spiders will make a little scene acting like a fly to try and get the other spider to come to them. And Eve does this perfectly by walking pass YoonGyum and brushing her shoulder against him causing him to pay attention to her and to follow her and she drops her bracelet to make him have to return it to her. But there are times when you must attack bigger spiders with a lot more force and so the jumping Portia spider will create a smoke screen and a bigger disturbance and shake the web creating a big wind and after that the Portia spider then crawls into the other spider’s web. So, this happens when YoonGyum goes to return the bracelet and he finds Eve and her husband in a “love session” in a dressing room and Eve does this on purpose so, that he sees them making his imagination run wild about what they could be together she even stares YoonGyum in the eyes as this “session” is happening with her husband. Lastly, she seals this deal when her husband who used to work with YoonGyum goes to talk with him and she shakes the web more by rubbing her hand against his reaching for a wine glass while both of their husband and wife are not looking. 

4. Never Scared

The Portia spider is a spider-eating spider the same way Eve is a power people eating spider because, the big question this episode for the public is who is special enough to make LY Group’s chairman cheat and it is Eve as we see her and him hug and meet in a dark room. Also, Portia spiders can trap and devour prey up to three times bigger than its size and she puts this into place as she is YoonGyum’s mistress causing a public scandal. Portia spiders then go in for the attack and attack larger spiders from above and behind their back where there are no dangerous fangs as Eve is doing by starting her infiltration into her opponent’s web with the chairman who is completely caught off guard by her. Eve is only getting started and there is no telling what she will do to get her revenge! “Eve” (2022 Drama): Cast & Summary KDRAMA STORIES|May 9, 2022 Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 69Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 94Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 32Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 11Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 76Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 69Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 77Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 44Oh  What A Tangled Web Seo YeaJi Weaves In  Eve   When She Plans To Deceive  - 59